Konsep Authentic Happiness pada Remaja dalam Perspektif Teori Myers


  • IAIN Ponorogo




authentic happiness, teenager


The teenage phase is unique in describing themselves. Teenage images of themselves often create emotional complexity and sensitivity in their lives, an expansion of interest in self-portrait and identity search during adolescence makes adolescents vulnerable to personal, interpersonal, and social conflict. This paper tries to explain how the concept of adolescent authentic happiness is viewed from the perspective of Myers theory. The concept of adolescent authentic happiness is measured by four indicators of happiness according to Myers: 1) fully self-esteem, 2) optimism, 3) open attitude and social skills, and 4) full control and self-control. The subjects of this study were IAIN Ponorogo students with age range between 17-21 years. The results showed that 11% (4 people) adolescents have a concept of positive authentic happiness (high) according to Myers' happiness indicator. 30% (11 people) of adolescents have a medium-level authentic happiness concept, while 59% of adolescents have a negative authentic happiness concept. With that percentage, adolescents are still very vulnerable to the threat of problems, both personal, interpersonal, and social


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Author Biography

, IAIN Ponorogo

Lectures at IAIN Ponorogo


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How to Cite

Ika. (2017). Konsep Authentic Happiness pada Remaja dalam Perspektif Teori Myers. Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 2(1), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.21154/ibriez.v2i1.23