Pendidikan Islam Indonesia dan Tantangan Globalisasi: Perspektif Sosio-Historis
Education, Islam, GlobalizationAbstract
National and global challenges faced by the Islamic education is increasingly complex, particularly in Indonesia in this global era, faced with problems of social-philosophical failed over. There are two problems faced by Islamic education on the challenges of globalization. 1.) as an opportunity, (globalization) one side will make it easier for Islamic education to access a variety of information easily. Also makes it easier to disseminate Islamic education (dissemination) Scientific products that deliver the benefits of existence for the society.2.) as a challenge, it turns out that globalization not only affects the order of life on a macro level, but also change the life at the micro level, for example against the bond of the social life of the community. That is, the phenomenon of social disintegration, the loss of values tradition, lunturnya customs, manners, and other social deviation in this paper, concludes that, Islamic institutions as a whole still run his role in three basic:the transmission of knowledge and the Sciences of Islam. Secondly, maintenance of Islamic tradition; third, the reproduction of the candidates.
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