Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Religius Melalui Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Yaqin Kota Bogor


  • Faridatul Hasanah Ibn Khaldun University
  • Chodidjah Kamalludin Ibn Khaldun University
  • Kamalludin Kamalludin Ibn Khaldun University



Character, Religious, Akidah Akhlak


The objectives of this study are as follows: (1.) To find out the scope of the material of the Aqeedah in MI Nurul Yaqin Bogor City, (2). To find out what ways can improve the values ??of a religious character among MI Nurul Yaqin Bogor City, (3). To find out the obstacles faced by teachers in teaching the moral code in fostering the religious character of students in MI Nurul Yaqin, Bogor City, (4). To find out what methods can apply Character education in Moral Learning, (5). To find out what media can be used in learning the moral code, (6) To find out how to apply character education through learning the moral code in MI Nurul Yaqin, Bogor City. The type of research used is field research in MI Nurul Yaqin-Bogor City. The research method uses qualitative. Data collection techniques with participatory observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that: 1). The scope of the material morality includes the sentence Thayyibah, the attributes of Asmaul Husna, faith in the books of God, laudable morals and despicable morals. 2). Ways to improve the value of religious character, (3) find out the obstacles faced by teachers, namely reducing and solving problems or obstacles in learning both from students, teachers (internal) or outside students (external), (4) The method used when learning Akidah Akhlak including lectures, discussions, drama or role-playing, direct practice or demonstrations and questions and answers. (5). Media that can be used in the study of moral code is visual media such as pictures or slides and audiovisual in the form of film or video (6) How to get character education in learning moral code can through daily examples, linking character values ??with stories and demonstrations of character values ??or direct practice by students themselves.


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How to Cite

Hasanah, F., Kamalludin, C., & Kamalludin, K. (2019). Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Religius Melalui Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Yaqin Kota Bogor. Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 4(2), 217-222.