Komunikasi Orang Tua dan Anak dalam Islam (Tinjauan Pedagogis Komunikasi Nabi Ibrahim dengan Nabi Isma'il dalam Al-Qur'an)


  • IAIN Ponorogo




Communication, Parent, Child, Al Qur'an


Communication is the process of delivering a message in the form of meaningful symbols as thoughts and feelings in the form of ideas, information, beliefs, hopes, appeals, and as a guide by someone to someone else. Parents and children are the most important component in a family. Parents have an important role in educating their children through the communication process. The Qur'an as the first and main source of Islamic education provides some illustrations of the story of parent and child communication. One such story is the kisan of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Isma'il in Q.S. Al-Sha> ffa> t verses 102-107. Based on the verses from the letter can be concluded communication parent and child (based on the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail) as follows: 1) Communication happens is interactive-Dialogic-humanist communication. It is said interactional because the communication is not unilateral. Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Isma'il are active, reflective in interpreting and interpreting the message in the dream of Abraham. Dialogical because the communication can open the path of information between Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail. Dialogic communication also helps to train arguments, patience, toughness, and perseverance to obey God and obey the parents, as happened in the communication of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Isma'il. Humanist because of Ibrahim's Education against Ishmael aims to humanize human beings to obey God; 2) Communication made Prophet Ibrahim with Prophet Isma'il gives an idea that the Prophet Ibrahim is a democratic figure and the Prophet Isma'il is a submissive figure. These two traits have an important role in the success of an education; 3) There are two educational materials in communication between Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Isma'il, ie aspects of faith and emotional. Faith in relation to the test of obedience to the concept of faith that has been given by the Prophet Ibrahim, while the emotional aspect shown ketegaran and patience in receiving the command.


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Author Biography

, IAIN Ponorogo

Lecture IAIN Ponorogo


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How to Cite

Zeni Murtafiati. (2017). Komunikasi Orang Tua dan Anak dalam Islam (Tinjauan Pedagogis Komunikasi Nabi Ibrahim dengan Nabi Isma’il dalam Al-Qur’an). Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 2(1), 95-106. https://doi.org/10.21154/ibriez.v2i1.28