Pemahaman Penggunaan Ejaan Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Essay, SpellingAbstract
The main problem in this study is the relationship between understanding the use of spelling in writing essays of fifth grade students of Selodono Elementary School. This study aims to describe the level of understanding the use of spelling in the essays of fifth grade students of Selodono Elementary School, Ringinrejo District, Kediri Regency. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with 36 students of the fifth grade students of Selodono Elementary School. Data collection instruments using human instruments or the researchers themselves. Collecting data in this study uses techniques to see and note. The next stage is the provision of scores to measure the level of understanding of student spelling use. Based on the results of the study obtained the following data: 1) the category of poor understanding (score <70) amounted to 69.44% which means that as many as 25 students out of a total of 36 students in the category do not understand; 2) the category of understanding enough (score 70-79) is 13.88% which means that as many as 5 students from a total of 36 students are categorized as quite understanding; 3) the understanding category (score 80-89) is 13.88% which means that as many as 5 students from a total of 36 students are in the category of understanding; and 4) very understandable categories (score 90-100) of 2.77%, which means that 1 student out of a total of 36 students is in the category very well understood. Based on the conclusions of the results of this study, the level of understanding the use of spelling in essays is still low. Thus, it is recommended for teachers to provide examples of the use of spelling for students both verbally and in writing in learning.
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