Analisis Kesalahan dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Berdasarkan Teori Newman
Error Analysis, Newman Theory, Mathematics Story, Linear ProgramAbstract
This research is descriptive research using qualitative approach. This study aims to analyze the types of mistakes made by students in solving linear programming problems based on Newman's theory, in the grade XI students of PGRI Lawang High School. Research subjects taken 6 people from 22 students of class XI MIA. From the research conducted, the conclusions obtained are: (1) 16.7% of students experienced a reading error that can not mean the meaning of the word in the matter. (2) 27.8% of students misunderstand the problem that is not able to write down what is known and what is asked in accordance with the request questions. (3) 44.4% of students make a transformation error that students can not make a mathematical model. (4) 50% of students misconstrue the process skill that is unable to perform the calculation appropriately. (5) As for the errors of writing answers made by students as much as 55.6% of students can not make conclusions from the answers obtained. The solution to minimize students' mistakes in solving mathematical story problems is by giving reinforcement to students how to turn a sentence into a mathematical model and multiply the exercises in working on the story.
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