Analisis Kualitas Butir Soal Ulangan Harian di Sekolah Dasar dengan Model Rasch


  • Anis Fauziana SDN Klakahrejo I/578
  • Andhita Dessy Wulansari



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Item analysis can be used to help improve the quality of items through revision or discarding ineffective questions, and can be used as diagnostic information for students, whether they have understood the material that has been taught. In this scientific paper, the researcher will analyze the daily test items using the Rasch model which involves one parameter to measure the level of difficulty of the questions in the class VI circle material at SDN Klakahrejo I/578. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the items and the ability of elementary school students, especially SDN Klakahrejo I/578. This research is an evaluative research with a quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that all the questions tested on the test takers were valid and reliable. Results The difficulty level of the 10 questions tested was 4 questions classified as easy, 4 questions classified as moderate and 2 questions classified as very difficult. Based on the research that has been done, it can also be seen that the estimated value of the ability of the 31 students varies in the range of -0.69 to 3.05. This shows that students' abilities are classified as moderate to very high.


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How to Cite

Fauziana, A., & Dessy Wulansari, A. (2021). Analisis Kualitas Butir Soal Ulangan Harian di Sekolah Dasar dengan Model Rasch. Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 6(1), 10-19.


