Pengembangan Penilaian Autentik Berbasis Keterampilan Generik Sains Terintegrasi Karakter Tema 6 Kelas III SD


  • Dhiana Safitri Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
  • Nur Ngazizah
  • Titi Anjarini



Authentic Assessment, Character, Generic Science Skills


This reseacrh aims to develop an authentic assessment based on generic science skills integrated with the character theme of 6 Energy and Change in grade III SD that is good and feasible and can measure the implementation of learning. The research subjects were class III SD Negeri 3 Wadaslintang, Wonosobo. Methods of data collection using interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The research method is R & D (Research and Development) using the 4D model. The Define stage includes analyzing needs, curriculum, assignments, and concepts. The Design Stage is collecting references, determining drafts, compiling materials, and making the first draft. Next is the Develop stage. The first draft was validated and then revised to produce a second draft. Then it was validated again and the revision resulted in draft three. The next step is to carry out a limited test before the wide distribution of the product or Dessiminate. The last stage is Dessiminate. This stage cannot be carried out because the situation is still a pandemic. Based on the results of the research (1), an authentic assessment development product based on generic science skills integrated character is produced. (2) The validation results obtained an average value of 3.52 very valid categories. (3) The response of students obtained an average score of 3.13 in the practical category. (4) The learning implementation during three meetings obtained an average score of 3.58, the learning category can run very well. These results were obtained after the data on the questionnaire sheet were analyzed. Thus, the authentic assessment developed is categorized as very valid and efficient in its use.


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How to Cite

Safitri, D., Ngazizah, N., & Anjarini, T. (2020). Pengembangan Penilaian Autentik Berbasis Keterampilan Generik Sains Terintegrasi Karakter Tema 6 Kelas III SD. Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 5(2), 220-228.