Suguhan Character Building dalam Serial We Bare Bears

(Analisis Kemampuan Resiliensi Tokoh Fiksi Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Semiotika Rolland Barthes)


  • Weni Tria Anugrah Putri IAIN Ponorogo



Kemampuan Resiliensi, We Bear Bears, Rolland Barthes, Character Building


Cartoon films are one of the means in building the character of a society, especially children. Various types of cartoons appear in the mass media and social media. The humorous things often dominates this film. One of them is the cartoon series We Bear Bears. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the resilience abilities of fictional characters in the cartoon series. This study focuses on a series entitled Bear Stack. This cartoon film series with a duration of ± 2.13 minutes has several scenes that are completely different from the habits in everyday life. This research is a qualitative research. The theory used in this research is Rolland Barthes Semiotics. One of the research results shows that animation with a simple storyline is actually able to give positive messages. In fact, this positive message will always be the subject of public consumption, especially children. One of the scenes that is often shown is a pile of bears that are always walking. Then, what do you want to convey in this scene and several other scenes?


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How to Cite

Tria Anugrah Putri, W. (2021). Suguhan Character Building dalam Serial We Bare Bears : (Analisis Kemampuan Resiliensi Tokoh Fiksi Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Semiotika Rolland Barthes). Jurnal Ibriez : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains, 6(1), 35-53.


