Creative Thinking Ability;, Personality Type;, Ecosystem ThemeAbstract
This study aims to: (1) describe the creative thinking skills of fifth grade elementary school students on the ecosystem theme in terms of personality type; (2) Describe the factors that affect the creative thinking ability of fifth grade elementary school students. This research method is a qualitative descriptive research. The subjects in this study were 12 fifth grade students at SDN 26 Singkawang which consisted of 3 students in the sanguine personality type category, 3 students in the chorelic personality type category, 3 students in the melancholic personality type category, and 3 students in the phlegmatic personality type category. The data collection technique in this study was a test technique in the form of a student's creative thinking ability sheet and The non-test technique is in the form of a student personality type questionnaire and interviews. The data analysis technique uses the analysis technique by Miles and Huberman which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1) The creative thinking ability of students in the sanguine personality type did not master the indicators of flexibility and did not master the indicators of fluency, originality, and elaboration. Students with the corelis personality type do not master the indicators of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Students in the melancholic personality type have mastered the elaboration indicator, lack the fluency indicator, and do not master the flexibility and originality indicators. Students in the phlegmatic personality type do not master the indicators of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. (2) Factors that affect students' creative thinking abilities are caused by internal and external factors. Internal factors, namely students do not understand the material that has been studied, students do not understand the material about ecosystems, do not like science subjects so that their creative thinking skills are not satisfactory, students are not able to answer and develop their ideas to solve the problems given, and students are less able to answer and develop their ideas to solve the problems given.
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