IPA, pembelajaran berbasis proyek, minat, motivasi, kreativitasAbstract
This study aims to determine students' creativity, interest, and motivation in implementing project-based learning models using video tutorials. Another objective is to determine the difference in the effect of applying the project-based learning model on students' creativity, interest, and motivation. The learning was carried out in Class 3 Science subjects at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Gebog District, Kudus Regency. The research was conducted because project-based learning is most likely able to develop students' creativity, interest, and motivation. This type of research is quantitative experimental. The research design uses Quasi Experimental Design with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design approach. The research sampling was saturated sampling, namely all 3rd grade students totaling 144 students from three Islamic elementary schools in Gebog Kudus District (47 students MI NU Al-Huda 01 Pedurenan Gebog, 48 students MI NU Miftahul Huda 02 Karangmalang Gebog and 49 students MI NU Al -Khuriyah 01 Pedurenan Gebog Kudus). Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used the classical assumption test, the Mann Whitney test, and the N-Gain test. The results of the study showed that the project-based learning model using video tutorials was able to influence the interest, motivation, and learning creativity of 3rd grade students of madrasah ibtidaiyah. The average value of the control class has an average aggregate value of 3.32 and is in the 'Good' category. While the average value of the experimental class has an aggregate value of 3.93 which is in the 'Very Good' category. The results of data analysis using the Mann Whitney test to determine differences in interest, motivation, and creativity in learning science obtained a significance value of 0.000 so that the Ha hypothesis is accepted, meaning that there are differences in interest, motivation, and creativity between the control class and the experimental class. Meanwhile, based on the N-Gain test, the results for the control class were 0.117 (entering the low category) while the experimental class was 0.392 (entering the medium category). Therefore, the application of a project-based learning model using video tutorials in science subjects in grade 3 at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah has a significant effect on students' interest, motivation, and creativity. The results of the research recommend that the project-based learning model using video tutorials can be used as a learning model that can foster student interest, motivation, and creativity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nailun Nadhifah, Budiyono Saputro, Erna Risfaula Kusumawati
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