Jenis-jenis Benalu dengan Tanaman Inang Pada Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Surabaya
parasite, green open space, cruise methodAbstract
Green Open Space serves as a container for human life, both individually and in groups, as well as other creature containers to live and thrive in a sustainable manner. The beauty and value of the benefits of plants in the Green Open Space are often disturbed by the presence of parasites. The presence of parasites often indicates the occurrence of disturbance or damage to host plants that paraded. Benalu has been widely known by the community, but has never received attention in handling it. There has been little research on crop damage or loss caused by parasites. The purpose of this research is to know the presence or absence of parasite in green open space of Surabaya city and to know identification of dominance of parasite with the host plant in green open space of Surabaya city. Observation on the type of parasite with its host in the green open space of Surabaya City, East Java had been conducted in some spots, yield : Center Surabaya area, North Surabaya area, East Surabaya area, South Surabaya area, West Surabaya area. The observation methodology is by cruising (cruise method) by visiting the place where much overgrown vegetation plants at each point there are 500 vegetation plants which allows to be a parent host. The results of the observation obtained 3 types of parasites, 1 type of parasite of the tribe Crypteroniaceae which was parasite 39 species of host plants i.e. Henslowia frutescens .Champ. and 2 types of parasites of the tribe Loranthaceae, i.e. Loranthus Sp and Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) van Tiegh.
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