Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Ilmiah Dengan Menggunakan Media Media Flash Card
Writing Skill, Flashcard Media, Science Ekplanation TextsAbstract
The writing ability of class VI in elementary school is the ability to write explanatory texts (explanations) using standard vocabulary and effective sentences. But in reality, students of class VI SDN Rejomulyo 1 Kras Kediri still had difficulty writing essays, especially in the form of scientific explanatory texts. Students need media that can facilitate their imagination to develop into an essay. The use of Flash card media aims to improve the skills of writing scientific explanatory texts in class VI students. The ability to develop scientific explanatory texts will affect other basic competencies, especially those directly related to a phenomenon or natural phenomenon. This media can facilitate students in developing their ideas and then pour in effective sentences using standard words, so that students do not experience deadlock in writing sentences. The innovative work of flash card learning media uses classroom action research methods for two cycles and each cycle lasts for two meetings. This class action research assesses the improvement in the ability to write scientific explanatory texts as the main data. At the end of each meeting, students are assessed for their ability to write scientific explanatory texts. At the end of the first cycle there was an increase in the class average of 18.52 to 75.37. The results of cycle one have not fulfilled the determined success indicators because they have not reached ? 77.78% of the number of students who have completed. The second cycle shows that there is an increase in class average of 10.74 from cycle one to 86.11. So that the use of used cardboard flash card media is able to increase scientific explanation writing skills by 29.26.
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