Identifikasi Problematika Mahasiswa Calon Guru SD/MI dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Dasar
Mathematics, Misconception, Mastery of ConceptsAbstract
The The importance of existence and role of mathematics in all lines of life requires to be understood and mastered well. Especially for teachers or prospective elementary school/madrasah ibtidaiyah (Islamic school) teachers who will instill the basic mathematical concepts for students. This research is intended to identify the main problems faced by prospective students of primary school/Islamic elementary school in solving basic math problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with research subjects as students of PGMI IAIN Ponorogo. Generally, the results of the study show that there are two main problems faced by prospective students of elementary school teachers or madrasah ibtidaiyah (Islamic school) at IAIN Ponorogo. First, there is still a low understanding of the basic concepts of mathematics. Mathematical logic is the material with the highest number of incomprehension than other materials. The conceptual misunderstandings occur evenly in each group of students, both from MA (Islamic school), Senior High School and Vocational School. However, the number of misunderstanding of vocational students tends to be higher. Second, there is a misconception. The highest misconception occurs in material numbers and algebraic operations. Even though in limited numbers, misconceptions were found in other basic mathematical concepts. Misconceptions tend to occur in students from Senior High School and MA (Islamic school).
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