Analisis Nilai-nilai Karakter pada Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti (PAdBP) Kurikulum 2013 Sekolah Dasar
Character Value, Five Character Education Reinforcement Values, PAdBP student book, Thomas Lickona and Ki Hajar Dewantara.Abstract
This study aims to 1) determine the content of character values that appear in the elementary school book ‘PAdBP’, 2) find out the strategy of five values of strengthening character education in the elementary school book ‘PAdBP’ based on the thoughts of Thomas Lickona and Ki Hajar Dewantara.
This research method uses a qualitative approach with the library research type. Data collection was obtained by reviewing documents, i.e., the elementary students' booknamely ‘PAdBP’. Data analysis techniques included content analysis and critical analysis. Validity checking of the findings was done by reading through the glasses of educational thinking of the characters of Thomas Lickona and Ki Hajar Dewantara.
The results showed that 1) Character values ??that appear in the student bookPAdBP are religious, compassion, caring, responsibility, independent, fond of reading, respect, obedience, honesty, mutual cooperation, sympathy, courage, discipline, trust self, humble, integrity, gratefulness, sincerity, respect, politeness, hard work, clean and healthy life, simplicity, harmonious life, kindness, good saying, forgiving, help, love and peace, ask for help, trust, politeness, never give up, safety, loving beauty, and tolerance values. 2) The strategy of planting five values ??of character education reinforcement in the elementary school bookPAdBPproduced percentages that were varied in the volume of emphasis. Religious value was very dominant with a percentage of 31%, the value of mutual cooperation was24%, independent value was18%, integrity value was17%, and nationalist value was10%. Furthermore, the five values ??of character education reinforcement when analyzed using Thomas Lickona's character education theory showed that some of the contents regarding the learning process in the PAdBP bookhave not yet been in accordance with the procedure, and when viewed from the educational theory of Ki Hajar Dewantara, the book contents have been fully fulfilled.
Keywords:Character Value, Five Character Education Reinforcement Values, PAdBP student book, Thomas Lickona and Ki Hajar Dewantara.
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