Metode Creative Problem Solving (CPS) dengan Media Berbasis Information Communication Technology (ICT) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar
Creative Problem Solving, Information Communication Technology (ICT)Abstract
Increasing student learning achievement is one of the successes of the teaching-learning process, where the better the student's effort in learning, the better the student's learning achievement. However, the problem is that not all students have an increase in learning achievement. The problem of not increasing student achievement becomes a problem in the teaching and learning process to find a solution immediately. In Surakarta I State Vocational School Office Administration Department in subjects understanding the principles of office administration running into problems in learning achievement given in class X AP 1 and X AP 2. This type of research used by researchers in this study is classroom action research where data collection using interviews, observation, documentation, teaching and learning outcomes tests. While the validity of the data used in this study is a triangulation technique, then the data analysis used is to collect data, reduce data, present data, and draw conclusions. The results of research using the Creative Problem Solving learning method with Information Communication Technology (ICT) based media carried out in two cycles. Each cycle carried out in 4 meetings, where each meeting lasts for 90 minutes. The application of the Creative Problem Solving learning method with Information Communication Technology (ICT) based media has been able to improve student achievement. Where in applying the Creative Problem Solving learning method with Information Communication Technology (ICT) based media, students are invited to participate in all learning processes, not only mentally but also physically. With a variety of learning consisting of group discussions and presentations, it makes students feel a more pleasant learning atmosphere and the material presented in the form of slides becomes easier to understand.
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