Penalaran Adaptif Siswa MI Kelas Rendah Pada Materi Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat
Mathematic Logic, Adaptive Logic, Primary School, Mathematic in Primary SchooolAbstract
The reasoning is a process of students to understand the knowledge that is appreciated. The concept of thinking is fundamental to be known by teachers, especially for low-grade students. In this study, the low class is class 3 Madrasah Ibtiaiyah. Adaptive reasoning needs to be studied to determine the ability of students when reasoning understanding of mathematics and the process of students adapting new knowledge with the way of thinking they have. This research is qualitative research with case study research type. The sample in this study will be classified based on cognitive abilities, which consist of high, medium, and low cognitive. While the subjects in this study were 20 students. This research resulted in 4 factors of students' adaptive reasoning activities
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