Komunikasi Eksternal Efektif Sebagai Kunci Keberhasilan Hubungan Masyarakat
External communication, key success, public relationsAbstract
This journal was written to fulfill one of the tasks of UAS Supervising education at the Tulungagung State Islamic Institute of Religion (IAIN). The purpose of writing this journal to explain about External Communication as the Key of Successful Public Relations. Communication can be done in a simple way to a complex way, but today technological developments have changed the way we communicate drastically. Effective communication is required by all organizations for both profit and non profit organizations. This is important in achieving their goals. Productive organizations are supported by the mastery of communication within the organization (internal) and communication with parties outside the organization (external). External communication of the organization, especially with the community may be tangible providing information or services. The attention of the public to the organization in various forms is evidence of the mutual communication process, ie from the organization to the community and vice versa.
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