Akidah dan Akhlak dalam Perspektif Pembelajaran PAI di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Akidah, Ahlak, PAI Education, Elementary SchoolAbstract
Aqeedah and morals as two main foundations in Islam, have a broad and deep scope. Nevertheless, aqeedah and morals have been taught in formal education even since elementary school. In this case, the discussion on aqeedah and morals in the perspective of PAI learning in Islamic Primary School is very necessary to know the different points of view, where the very broad and deep creeds and morals can be simplified in learning, so that according to the level of psychological maturity of children and can be measured by good (measurable) in the evaluation of learning. By using qualitative research methods and types of library research, it was found that the aspects of the creed contained in the learning of PAI in Islamic Primary School are the pillars of faith, asmaul husna and tayyibah sentences. While the aspects of morals, namely commendable morals, despicable morals and daily manners. Then, the components that also characterize the creed and morals in PAI learning in Islamic Primary School are exemplary and habituation. With the results of this study, it is expected to be a reference that helps in understanding how the concepts of faith and morals in the learning of Islamic Education in Islamic Primary School.
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