Membumikan Al Qur’an Sejak Dini
Aktualisasi Surat Ar-Rum Ayat 48 Pada Pembelajaran Siklus Air
pembelajaran inquiry, Al-Qur’an, Inquiry learning, integrated learning, webbed, water circleAbstract
Al-Qur’an as a guide lines for mouslem, it’s have to learn contextually, not just for reading, writing, and memorizing. As a guideline so Qur’an consist of many things of the eart, social, or natural science. By Learning social and natural science there hope human can be cautious to Allah by doing all the content in Qur’an. Fragmented learning Qur’an by the other science caused Qur’an just learned textually by children.
Integrated learning webbed type become one of alternative methods that given by the writer for resolving the problems. First research from this research is using empire observer result and learning documentation that’s happen in elementary school in Indonesia. It was real by using integrated learning theoritically. The result showed that :1) Habitually Qur’an science child by integrated and connected Qur’an with another subject as science, social science, Indonesian language, civic education, art, mathematic, physical education, fiqih, aqidah, mouslem historic, and Arabic language at elementary school. 2) Integrated learning webbed design by using inquiry learning strategi consists some of activities like identify the problem, identify question research, hypothesis, collecting data, analysis and conclude.
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